A Growing Concern:
Developing a Sustainable Food
System for New York
January 22, 2005
As the critique intensifies of the ever expanding global food system, the necessity for sustainable alternatives is increasing dramatically. To further the preservation and expansion of our own region’s system of agricultural production and distribution, this program provided an overview of New York’s potential within the global context.
A tasting of local foods and beverages was provided by The Cleaver Company and Angelica Kitchen.
THOMAS LYSON, author, Civic Agriculture, and educator;
ROBERT LEWIS, chief marketing representative, NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets and co-founder of Greenmarket;
JOAN GUSSOW, author, This Organic Life, and educator;
BRIAN HALWEIL Author, Eat Here: Reclaiming Homegrown Pleasures in a Global Supermarket, and research associate, Worldwatch Institute;
ANN COOPER, Author, Bitter Harvest, chef, educator;
LESLIE McEACHERN, proprietor, Angelica Kitchen;
MARY CLEAVER, proprietor, Green Table; and a roundtable of New York State producers, and others.
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